Die Aula der Kanti Baden wird regelmässig zu einem Raum, der Wissen schafft.
Die Kurzfortbildungsreihe AulaTalks ist öffentlich und richtet sich an die Lehrpersonen der Kanti Baden, an Lehrpersonen von anderen Kantons-, Berufs- oder Bezirksschulen sowie an alle Interessierten.
Wissenschafterinnen und Wissenschafter referieren an den AulaTalks zu Themen, die für Schule und Unterricht bedeutend sind. Zudem bieten die AulaTalks einen Raum, wo sich Lehrpersonen verschiedener Schulen und Stufen austauschen können.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir um eine Anmeldung mit unten stehendem Formular bis eine Woche vor der jeweiligen Veranstaltung.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Interesse. Bis bald in der Aula der Kanti Baden!
Nächste Veranstaltungen
Jeweils von 17:15 bis 18:30 Uhr in der Aula der Kanti Baden
21. Januar 2025 – The impacts of AI on education
Jibril Frej (EPF Lausanne)
This talk will provide an accessible introduction to AI and its relevance to education, exploring its foundational concepts and practical implications. First, we will define AI and Machine Learning, offering a broad understanding of its capabilities and limitations. Next, we will present Generative AI (GenAI), with a focus on Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, explaining how these technologies work, their applications and limitations.
Finally, we will discuss the impact AI is having on education and explore the challenges posed by these changes, such as ethical considerations and the need for upskilling educators, and propose strategies for adapting to this rapidly evolving landscape.
This talk aims to demystify AI and inspire actionable insights into how we can use it to enrich education while ensuring its responsible use.
Referat in englischer Sprache
10. März 2025 – Designing for and Learning from Productive Failure
Manu Kapur (ETH Zürich)
If learning from failure is intuitively compelling, why do we wait for it to happen. Why don’t we intentionally design for it, and harness it for deep learning? In my talk, I will describe what Productive Failure is, how, when and why intentionally designing for failure in a safe way can lead to deep learning, and its implications for how we can design powerful learning environments for developing conceptual understanding, creativity, and transfer.
Referat in englischer Sprache mit Anknüpfungen an das Schilf-Referat.
Manu is currently the Director of the Singapore-ETH Centre, and a Professor of Learning Sciences and Higher Education at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. With a strong technical background in engineering and statistics as well as doctoral training in the learning sciences, Manu brings a unique interdisciplinary skill set to the study of human learning, both in terms of the fundamental mechanisms of human learning as well as developing applications for translating these mechanisms for teaching and learning. Manu is widely known mainly for his work on learning from productive failure, is a sought-after keynote speaker, and has delivered two TEDx talks. His contributions extend across high-profile journals and conferences, influencing educational policies and practices internationally.
For more information, visit
Anmeldeformular AulaTalks
Kosten: Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
Anmeldefrist: Bis eine Woche vor der jeweiligen Veranstaltung.
Kontakt: hc.nedab-itnak@sklatalua